Thursday, November 4, 2010


-marilyn monroe, miu miu 1994, and unknown-

While i pretty much like every color, orange was never really my favorite. i shy away from brights and am drawn more towards neutrals and blacks, navy and a little pop of red here and there. However, these three photos caught my eye and i do like the shades of orange in them. they're making me miss the end of summer/beginning of fall period, as it is too cold now and it's been rainy all week! next time i go shopping, i'll be sure to put an orange shirt like marilyn's on my list because i really think it'll be versatile for all year round. (although i won't be going shopping for a while-i have no money and too many clothing which need to be given away.)


rouli said...

love the 3d pic so much!!!!!!

orange is so cool:))

ur blog is fantastic!

pls come visit and join!


Emma said...

Thanks for the comment darlin'..
Have a lovely weekend!


Viki said...

Lovely pictures. I don't usually wear orange, but love how marilyn is wearing it! I have exactly the same glasses as john lennon, by the way! haha
Thanks for your comment, i'm following you, follow me back :)


† black cat † said...

Thank you everyone!

original seed said...

with you on the orange hype

jessica said...

uff ohhmygod i love those three photos SO much.